Detroiters know a thing or two about reputation. Ten years ago, Detroit was bankrupt and the crime stats were newsworthy for all the wrong reasons.  Residents fled the city, leaving behind abandoned homes and blight. People only visited Detroit to participate in the “Ruin Porn” tours. The situation looked incurable; a rebuilding of Detroit’s former glory felt impossible.

But the nation underestimated Detroit’s secret super power: Detroiters themselves. Those who stayed, fought for reliable infrastructures including working street lights, garbage removal and increased public transportation. Mayor Mike Duggan listened to his neighbors, and, together with city leaders and business partners, helped to refine the ruins into radiance. Building on Detroit’s history of grit and gumption, the city leaders, together with the residents, redefined its reputation.

Today, Detroit exemplifies the self-sufficiency and perseverance of its people. Detroit fosters empowerment. It's a place where neighbors care for neighbors. Detroit mirrors its citizens as a city of dignity and temerity.
